April Box
April Box served on our Board from 2017 to 2018, as a Board advisor during 2019 and on our Board during 2020. Mrs. Box is the former President and Chief Executive Officer of Methodist Health System Foundation and Senior Vice president of external affairs for Methodist Health System. Mrs. Box holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Rhodes College, Memphis, Tennessee, and a Master of Liberal Arts degree from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. Active in community and philanthropic service, she is a member of the World Presidents Organization, the International Women’s Forum, and currently serves as a board member for the State Fair of Texas. In 2013, Mrs. Box was recognized as the Outstanding Fundraising Executive at the National Philanthropy Day Awards Luncheon, presented by the Association of Fundraising Professionals Greater Dallas Chapter. Ms. Box’s significant experience and executive positions at Methodist Health System Foundation and her perspective and knowledge of the Dallas market qualify her to serve on our board.